Light and Darkness



Aisha and Zainab.

Actions of these two women have had more effect on course of events in the world than any other women in human history.

One followed Satan while the other bowed to God.

One was plunged into darkness, while the other rose towards the Light.

One was led by her own whims, while God inspired the other.

One listened to whispers of Satan, while the other heeded words of God.

One threatened freedom, while the other protected liberty.

One enslaved men, while the other set them free.

One killed her sons, while the other saved her brothers.

Mother of the Believers went astray, while Sister of Believers was guided by truth.

Mother takes her sons to Satan. Sister guides her brothers to God.

The Straight Path is laid clear and simple.

Darkness is not equal to Light.

God bless those who recognise the Pious Lady.


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