Poems 2


Zainab in the court of cursed Yazid

[Written by Sister Mardhiya]

Vision of a second Zahra,
standing in the court of Yazid,
where all eyes glared at her.
She watched them laugh, as their accursed leader,
disrespected her beloved brother's head,
with the pointed cane.
With her every strength,
she sheltered her niece,
knowing that they wouldn't spare Sakina,
as she innocently cried.
Along with her hands,
they had chained her emotions,
forbidding her to ever remember Hussain.
Ah ... Zainab; a single soul,
comforting & guarding all the widows.
To whom can she display her tears,
facing which direction, can she cry?
Like her mother, Zahra;
she stood against the enemy of God,
speaking with the eloquence of her father.
Her brilliant speech in Yazid's court,
left behind guilt on the enemies evil faces,
with their conscience pricking them.
Kufans, had now realised who the enslaved women were,
and who's head laid on the spear.
They now recollected the scene,
of how they clapped their hands,
when the oppressor's whipped Abid.
At once, they pictured Muhammad,
standing alongside Zainab,
as she called upon her grandfather.
Zainab; with her injured hands,
where, the marks of pelted stones laid,
unveiled the mask from Yazid's face.
The world, till the Judgement day,
shall forever curse Yazid.
Salutations be unto you, O' Zainab Binte Ali!


Farewell My Zainab!

[Written by Sister Mardhiya]

Farewell . . . Farewell;
My Zainab, God be with you!
Tonight is my final call;
O' most beloved sister!
The age long love, with which we grew,
shall never depart O' sister.
Even on the spear,
my eyes shall watch you,
from the farthest distance,
your tears I will wipe.
Patience . . . Patience;
My Zainab, God be with you!
Tomorrow, is the day;
when the sky shall weep,
& the earth roar.
Little orphans shall be trampled,
their clothes shall burn to rags,
and you my sister,
give them a mother's love.
My Zainab, God be with you!
You my sister shall unveil,
to the world, the reality.
Our lovers must be aware,
that Hussain fought for Islam's prosperity.
My Zainab, God be with you!
You shall lead the grieved caravan,
from the dungeons of Kufa,
to the land of grandfather.
My Zainab, God be with you!
Back home, a precious flower awaits you,
waiting to see her loved ones.
Sister; give her my love,
and tell her not to wait for our return.
My Zainab, God be with you!


Sweet Zainab

[Written by Sister Mardhiya]

Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.
A pleasant look on Ali's face;
as he held his daughter. His beloved Zahra has today given birth,
to a second Zahra by God's grace.
Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.
Sing O' Angels the song of love,
to Hussain has on this day come,
a pillar of support.
All which he sought in a companion,
Zainab's character displays it.
Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.
The young Masters of Paradise,
are delighted to see their loving sister.
From the spring of Kawthar,
the key to all patience has come.
Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.
The guardian of the veil has today,
blessed the little house.
Her silent looks,
has won the heart of Hussain.
Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.
The Prophet named her Zainab,
for she depicts Ali in all sense.
O' lovers congratulate your Moula,
for his darling Zainab has come.
Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.
After the two princes; now has come,
the awaited Haider's princess.
From the Paradise has come,
the sweetness of musk.
Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.


Zainab is Zainab

[Written by Sister Mardhiya]

To the clouded sky has come;
a brilliant star,
a sun, which were dropped on Zahra's lap.
its light blinded even the celestial sun;
for, Zainab- the radiant has at length come. She speaks not but with Ali's tone;
the eloquence of her father,
sprinkles across her words.
Like Zahra, she were illuminant;
her light aglowed in many hearts.
For Kulthoom she were a loving sister,
and for Ali, an adored daughter.
At a young age she bemoaned her mother's loss,
and eversince has been holding to patience.
By God ... none ever before her,
has showed such great endurance;
even the word 'patient' feels proud,
to be associated with Zainab.
What Zahra commenced,
Zainab continued.
What Ali continued,
Zainab ended.
On her birth,
the Master of Martyrs chanted with joy,
" O father, Allah has given me a sister ! "
The Prophet silently wept,
knowing the destined fate.
In the environment that she were budded,
even the forbearance of Ayoub wouldn't suffice.
She were the completion of a saga,
which began centuries ago.
Ibrahim sacrificed his single child in God's path,
Zainab , gave away the fruits of her youth.
Her Aun & Muhammad, she sacrificed;
to display her unpatched love.
Zakarriyah prayed years to his God,
to give him his beloved Yahya.
Zainab prayed on eve of Ashura to her God,
to accept her two Yahyas.
Zainab, a model for our women,
who's beauty not even the sky had seen.
Her trust in Allah falls beyond,
the might of my humble ink.
My lady if you see me write,
you would realize the unconditional love,
that I have for you.
By your faith; I have my veil,
I owe my raised status to your belief.
You are my inspiration,
whilst tribulations befall me.
Taking your blessed name,
I learn how to remain patient.
for truly, Zainab is Zainab


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