Zainab and the Saints



Men of God and men of Satan

God had sent many prophets to guide humanity. God sent holy men such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. Through his messengers, God informed humans how to live a happy life in this world. He guided us on how to attain after death eternal life in Paradise. Prophets delievered the divine message and and Saints explained it to seekers. Mohammed was the last messenger of God. God revealed his own divine book to Mohammed. It is called the Holy Koran. When Mohammed passed away, he asked us all to follow Ali after him. Some men rejected Ali. They took control of the government by force. Ali was the wise saint of God. He did not fight when they took away his legal right.

History books tells us how within fifty years, the new Caliphs had thoroughly corrupted God’s message and teachings of His holy prophet. They stole his daughter’s property, attacked her home, went to war with his true successor, and persecuted the holy family to the ends of the earth. In fact, the ability of a muslim ruler to openly murder the grandson of Mohammed exposes the full scale degradation that had occurred among prophet’s early companions. The sixth ruler Muaweya, of the Omayya tribe, went to war with Ali. He told Yazid to get rid of his son Husayn. Below is a brief account of how Yazid killed Husayn.

Murder of saint Husayn took place on 10th day of the lunar month of Moharram, in the year 680. He was killed near the river Euphrates in Iraq. On one side were supporters and relatives of Husayn, on the other side was a military detachment from the forces of Yazid, the Omayyad King.

The Martyrdom at Karbala is commemorated during an annual ten day period held every Muharram on its tenth day, Ashura.

Mecca and Medina

The sixth Sunni Caliph, Muaweya, died after 40 years of ruthless tyrannical reign. On his deathbed, Muaweya violated democratic traditions of Islam. He appointed his son Yazid as his successor, thus establishing a dynasty. Both were ruthless dictators. They did not care for the innocents. They had everyone whom they disliked killed. Yazid was Hitler of his time, groomed to invade and enslave nations. Yazid was ready to take over the world by force. But he needed legitimacy. Without Husayn’s backing, people would never truly accept Yazid. As to exactly how Muaweya had himself managed to deceive people for forty years, is, of course, another significant historical episode drenched in blood, treachery and betrayal. In any case, Muaweya was now dying. He tried to secure his son’s political survival. Therefore, he pressured religious clerics to pledge allegiance to Yazid. The most significant threat to this dynastic rule was Husayn, son of Ali. Muaweya knew that Husyan’s support was essential, since he was the only living grandson of the prophet Mohammed. In his own reign, Muawiya had succeeded in assassinating men of Prophet’s holy family. Muaweya now wanted his son's reign to be secure. Muaweya advised his son Yazid to take care of Husayn as a matter of priority. This is exactly first thing the new King proceeded to do. Yazid instructed Walid, his governor in Medina, to force Husain to pledge allegiance. Husain refused. Grandson of Prophet Muhammed uttered his famous words: "How can someone like me ever accept someone like Yazid." Husayn direct defiance of Yazid made confrontation was inevitable. City of the Prophet was not safe for his grandson. Husayn and his family were insecure. Husayn decided to leave Medina. He went to Mecca, which also he found to be too dangerous. The City of God was unsafe for Husayn. God’s beloved did not have a place to rest his head. People knew he was lamb heading for slaughter. Husayn and his holy family were forced to abandon both Mecca and Medina. Grandson of the Mohammed left the cities of God and His Messenger.

Kufans heard of Husayn his plight. They invited him to their city. Husayn decided to head for Kufa hoping to get refuge there. He sent his representative Muslim bin Akil to Kufa to check the facts in Kufa. However, the governor Ibn Ziyad killed Akil along with his sons. He terrorised the Kufans and forced them to accept Yazid. They could not stand up to ruthless crackdown by Ibn Ziyad.


Husayn had with him members of his family and some loyal friends. He also took with him 20 women and children. Husayn’s disciples numbered 40 men. These people all vowed remain with Husayn during the journey. A few Kufans who escaped Ibn Ziyad also managed to join Husayn’s caravan.

Husayn was travelling with about 100 people across the hot dry desert of Arabia. When his caravan crossed into Iraq, Yazid’s forces ambushed it. Army of 10,000 men under the command of General Omar Ibn Saad stopped Husayn at Karbala. It was second day of Moharram. Husayn realised these soldiers would not let him leave this place alive. He was forced to camp on the desert plain near river Euphrates. The army demanded from Husayn that he recognise Yazid immediately. Husayn asked Ibn Saad to take him to Yazid's. In that palace he could talk to Yazid directly. General refused this request. Husayn then asked to be allowed to leave the kingdom of Yazid. He said I would go into exile in India. This request was also denied. Ibn Saad was under orders to secure pledge of loyalty from Husayn. Therefore, to pressure Husayn, the general decided to cut off the water supply to his camp. He posted 5000 men to prevent Husayn from getting water. Mighty Euphrates was blocked to the grandson of messenger of God. Husayn's family and friends desperately needed water. Children became thirsty. Women also began to worry. Babies cried. Husayn pleaded with the army to grant some water. No water. Husayn was to die thirsty. One the ninth day Husayn gathered his family and prayed with them. He knew well they would not let him live. Husayn told his family that time of sacrifice had come. On the tenth day of Moharram, weak and thirsty, Husayn mounted his white horse and rode to the army. He begged them not to carry out this evil deed of murder. General Ibn Saad did not listen. He gave the order: Kill this little band of rebels against Yazid.

Husayn and his men were butchered one by one by the soldiers of Yazid’s army. His disciples were the first to lay their lives for Husayn. The General then slew Husayn’s sons. He then processed to kill Husayn’s nephews and cousins. These young boys were all massacred on scorching sand of midday sun. Husayn’s brother Abbas was standard-bearer. Abbas had made desperate attempts to get water for his young niece Sakina. He managed to reach the river and took some water. But soldiers cornered him. They cut off his hands and then his arms. Husayn’s back was broken. Abbas was killed in horrible way. Finally, Husayn was left standing alone on the sands of Karbala. He again asked Yazid’s soldiers to consider what they were doing to grandson of the Holy Prophet. The soldiers again demanded Husayn to submit to Yazid. Husayn would rather die free as a lion then in slavery. Ibn Saad gave orders for murder of Husayn. Soldiers stretched their bows and fired. Husayn looked upward to the heavens. It is Karbala not rain. The sky showered arrows upon thirsty Husayn. The Saint fell from his white horse. Who would do the final evil? Ibn Saad wanted a trophy. He sent Shemar. On his knees before God, pierced with arrows, Husayn made final bows. At this point Shemar came and with his knife decapitated Husayn. The holy Saint was slaughtered like a goat at Karbala. Women wailed loud as they watched this butchery from their tents. Their cries echoed across the Iraqi. Screams of Husayn's sister Zaynab and the weeping of his young daughter Sakina were heard by the entire army. General ordered that all women of Husayn's family be bound taken to Yazid. Soldiers burnt the tents and tied up the holy ladies. This was the day of terrible day of Ashura. General ordered his soldiers to run their horses on the bodies of the dead. Saint's body was desecrated along with others who lay on the desert of Karbala. Next day the soldiers left Karbala, carrying 20 human heads on their lances...

Mission Accomplised

The massacre of at Karbala was over. Zaynab knew that Yazid would try to hide the killing of Husayn. Zaynab could not let that happen. Zaynab gathered her strengths. She stood and gave defiant speeches in Iraq and Syria. People were horrified when Zaynab unveiled Yazid. She laid bare Yazid’s evil act. Through her wisdom and remarkable courage, Zaynab succeeded in exposing Yazid. She did not let Husayn’s supreme sacrifice go to waste. She could not save her brother’s life. Instead, Zaynab gave Husayn immortality. Through Zaynab, Husayn would forever remain alive. Zaynab saved Husayn as Husayn had saved the Throne of God. Standing before a tyrant ruler and condemning his actions is the best service to God. Holy daughter of Ali did this. Zaynab’s words provided fuel to the revolution kindled by Husayn. Upon hearing Zaynab, the people began to uprise. They revolted in increasing numbers. Cities rebelled against tyranny. Omayyads tried their best to suppress the population. But they failed. Husayn’s sacrifice at Karbala brought down the corrupt regime. Empire had now become cursed along with its supporters and admirers. Husayn shook the foundations of Omayyas, and his sister brought down the structure tumbling down. Husayn and Zaynab showed how achieve the impossible. Husayn’s had set by example of how to live and die in honour. Zaynab showed what a pious woman is capable of. Husayn’s sacrifice remains the supreme sacrifice in human history. Lovers of Husayn would always threaten dictators. Karbala remains a beacon of light for all who love freedom and justice. Husayn is model for religious and secular people of the world. In any period, following Husayn will people free from slavery. Husayn remains unmatched superhero of the world. His sister Zaynab is heroin of humanity.

Peace be upon Prophet and his children.


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